Lillitha said, "Tonight is going to be the best night ever!", at least once every half hour until Nishan, Zari, and I saw the girls and their dad's off to the Faughter Daughter dance.
From the ear to ear smile on Coral, I believe her night began just perfectly.

Coral asked her dad to the father daughter Valentine dance this year.

She had so much fun last year that she wanted Lillitha to go too and she felt it would be fantabulous for each of them to have their very own dates.

We spent a good hour getting these girls prim and proper being it Coral's second date and Lillitha's very first it needed to be done big, so we went big.

We started with coordinating dresses and than each gal added a bit of their very own flavor to the palette.
Coral went for a bit of what I deem the sassy 80s/2011 look. I am totally impressed with Cor's ability to mix different styles together.

Lillitha's crown, purse, and shoes say it all.

Pretty pretty princess doin' it up for her first night out on the town.

Helping my girls glamorize themselves ranged between totally stressful to absolutely dream like. Seeing them off made all of the sweat 100% worth it.

We bid them farewell and momma had tears in her eyes for they one magnificent sight to see.

Coral called the next morning and could not stop talking about all the fun she had.
Lillitha woke up and declared it was definitely, "The best night ever!".
And this momma is hoping for many more extravaganzas to come.
1 comment:
awwwww so sweet!
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