Grateful for moments when blessings are overabundant to reflect back on in times that are tumultuous.

Life right now is complex. It is fully entangled in some very strong emotions. It is not dull or lacking, it never is. It seems to always be bustling with goodness, even in times like these when it feels very sink or swim. We will not sink, we will swim in this rougher than usual current. It may draw us far from where we are planted as sometimes being uprooted is all mother nature intended, or maybe this time we are rooted enough that we will weather yet another storm. Storms can be scary, they seem to come out of nowhere, unexpected, without warning, these are the worst kind, but this storm has granted us with much warning for years now. It has been a build up and it is not ready to wither away, it is not ready to say good bye, not just yet. We ask ourselves daily if today shall be the day, and thankfully it is not. Without much to do that day is coming nearer and the nearer it scoots, the more ready we become. I would not change our journey or ask any different of where it shall go, I just ask in myself that I stay strong and endure each moment as it is presented.
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