Since committing to walking a few times a week all of our Fridays have been car free except one when time constraints were too hindering to be on foot. We are finding we much prefer walking in so many more ways than we could of ever imagined.
We begin with about a half hour walk to piano lessons for Coral and Nishan. My littlest generally falls asleep on the way or wears herself her out enough to be settled during our hour long wait for lessons.
While Nishan learns a tune or two, Coral settles into her current book, and Lillitha eats away her weariness from our travels on foot.
It is a time to enhance our understanding of counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s using the kids treasures found after many many of these traveling walks.
Before we know it Coral has strayed out and we make our way to our next destination where there is always more fun to be had.
What we are all enjoying most about walking is our time seems to be spent much more focused on each other rather than a momma focused on a whole bunch of to dos. I have found that we chat, play and laugh more, time seems to stand still for that little bit of time when all that matters is us taking time to make that hour of waiting, "fun". I cannot share with you why this seems to happen more fluidly when we trek by foot to classes rather than driving but this is what we are currently experiencing. I cannot wait to begin riding bikes to our activities on the East end of town to see if that hour of waiting at ballet gets any easier...
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