Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fave 5 Night

Right now in this moment I list my fave 5 of today:
1- Listening to my dear son and his friend "outdo" each other in who could eat more tortas.
Funny boys!!!
2- Seeing my eldest Daughter smile in delight upon hearing what role she was chosen for in
her Much Ado About Shakespeare acting program!
3- Still chuckling to myself that my almost two year old already has a style all her own.
Tonight she is sporting purple fleece footy pajamas with a tank top shorty over the footies
and Pink Cowgirl Boots to top off the look!
4- Loves seeing my children's sister/ brother relationships unfold in such a magnificent way. I
was raised as an only child and am just amazed at how beautiful the sibling relationship is!!!
5- Grateful that my husband helps me every night so that he can ensure he gets a few
quite moments with me before I lay my head to sleep.
Good night and shall we meet again tomorrow.

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